Different Geometry Shape Names with Pictures | Shapes List

John Robert

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Geometry Shape names 1

Learning about different shapes can expand your English vocabulary while improving your understanding of geometry. Shapes are all around us, from the simplest forms like circles and squares to complex shapes such as dodecagons and spirals. Whether you’re a student, a teacher, or just someone curious about the world, this guide will introduce you to Geometry shape names in English, providing pictures and explanations to make recognizing and using these s

Basic 2D Geometry Shape Names

Circle, Square, Triangle, and Rectangle

These basic geometry shape names with pictures are probably the ones you encounter most frequently. Let’s break down their characteristics and see how different geometry shape names with pictures function in real life.


  • Definition: A round shape with every point on its edge equidistant from the center.
  • Properties: No sides, no corners.
  • Real-world examples: Wheels, coins, rings.


  • Definition: A quadrilateral with all four sides equal and all angles at 90 degrees.
  • Properties: 4 sides, 4 right angles.
  • Real-world examples: Chessboards, windows, tiles.


  • Definition: A polygon with three edges and three vertices.
  • Types of triangles:
    • Equilateral:
    • All sides and angles are equal.
    • Isosceles: Two sides are equal.
    • Scalene: All sides are of different lengths.
    • Right: One angle is exactly 90 degrees.
    • Obtuse: One angle is greater than 90 degrees.
    • Acute: All angles are less than 90 degree


  • Definition: A quadrilateral where opposite sides are equal, and all angles are right angles.
  • Properties: 4 sides, 4 right angles.
  • Real-world examples: Books, doors, smartphones.

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2D geometry shape names

Advanced 2D Geometry Shape Names

These shapes go beyond the basic ones, appearing in everything from design to engineering. Let’s explore some of the more different geometry shape names that you may encounter.

Pentagon, Hexagon, Heptagon, and Octagon

  • Pentagon: A five-sided polygon. Seen in architectural designs and logos.
  • Hexagon: Six-sided polygon. Honeycombs and chemical structures often use hexagons.
  • Heptagon: A seven-sided polygon, though less common in daily life.
  • Octagon: An eight-sided polygon, most famously seen in stop signs.
2D advanced geometry shape names

Shapes easier in daily life.

ShapeNumber of SidesExample
Pentagon5U.S. Pentagon building
Hexagon6Honeycomb structure
Heptagon7Certain coins
Octagon8Stop signs
Real life examples

These shapes are geometric shapes with more sides and angles, often used in construction and design to create strong, symmetrical patterns.

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Quadrilaterals and Parallelograms

Moving beyond triangles, let’s take a look at four-sided geometry shape names.


  • Definition: A quadrilateral with at least one pair of parallel sides.
  • Uses: Common in bridge designs and architectural elements.


  • Definition: Opposite sides are equal and parallel.
  • Uses: Seen in certain types of buildings and wall designs.


  • Definition: All four sides are equal, but angles are not 90 degrees.
  • Uses: Used in diamond-shaped designs and tiling patterns.
ShapeParallel SidesEqual SidesExample
Trapezoid1 pairNoBridge designs
Parallelogram2 pairsOppositeModern architecture
Rhombus2 pairsAllDiamond-shaped windows

Unique and Niche Shapes

Some geometry shape names are less common, but they still play important roles in mathematics, physics, and design.

Decagon, Heptagon, and Nonagon (geometry shape names(

  • Dodecagon: A 12-sided polygon. Seen in complex architectural designs.
  • Heptagon: Seven-sided, used less often but interesting in mathematical contexts.
  • Nonagon: A nine-sided shape, found occasionally in tiling patterns.

Tetrahedron, Octahedron, and Icosahedron

  • Tetrahedron: A 3D shape made of four triangular faces.
  • Octahedron: Made up of eight faces.
  • Icosahedron: A 3D shape with 20 triangular faces, commonly used in gaming dice.

3D Shapes

While 2D shapes are important, understanding 3D shapes names expands your geometric knowledge into the real world.

Cube, Sphere, Cone, and Cylinder

  • Cube: Six equal square faces.
  • Sphere: A perfectly round 3D object.
  • Cone: A circular base with a pointed top.
  • Cylinder: Two circular faces and a curved surface.
  • Real-world uses: From cube-shaped boxes to cylinder pipes.
3D geometry shape names
3D ShapeDescriptionExample
CubeSix equal square facesDice, boxes
SphereRound, like a ballBasketball, globes
ConeCircular base, pointed topIce cream cones
CylinderTwo circular ends, one bodyCans, pipes

Mathematical and Irregular Shapes

Some shapes are found in mathematics and science, especially in advanced studies.

Hyperbola and Parabola

  • Hyperbola: A shape formed by intersecting a plane with a cone.
  • Parabola: The U-shaped curve seen in satellite dishes and arches.

Sine and Cosine Waves

  • Sine Wave: A smooth periodic wave, seen in physics and signal processing.
  • Cosine Wave: Similar to the sine wave but shifted.

Fractals and Patterns

Fractals are incredibly complex shapes that repeat themselves at different scales. They are both mathematically fascinating and visually beautiful.

Koch Snowflake, Sierpinski Triangle

  • Koch Snowflake: A fractal that looks like a snowflake, infinitely detailed.
  • Sierpinski Triangle: A triangle made of smaller triangles, often used in computing and design.

Cantor Set and Apollonian Gasket

  • Cantor Set: A set of points lying on a single line segment with a pattern of intervals removed.
  • Apollonian Gasket: A fractal generated from tangent circles.
FractalPatternUse Case
Koch SnowflakeSelf-repeatingSeen in design, patterns
Sierpinski TriangleRepeating trianglesComputing, art
Cantor SetRemoved intervalsMathematical studies
Apollonian GasketTangent circlesComplex design, art
geometry shapes

Here’s a detailed table summarizing the properties of all the GEOMETRY SHAPE NAMES shapes, including sides, edges, vertices, angles, and other defining features.

This table includes basic, advanced, 3D, and unique shapes along with their fundamental properties. It serves as a comprehensive guide to better understanding these geometric shapes.

Geometrical Shapes with Properties


Shape NameSidesEdgesVerticesAnglesProperties
Circle000360° totalRound, no sides or vertices, every point equidistant from center
Square44490° anglesAll sides equal, opposite sides parallel
Triangle (General)333Sum of angles = 180°Three types: equilateral, isosceles, scalene
Equilateral Triangle333All angles = 60°All sides equal
Isosceles Triangle333Two angles are equalTwo equal sides
Scalene Triangle333No equal anglesAll sides of different lengths
Right Triangle333One angle = 90°Common in geometry, Pythagorean theorem applies
Obtuse Triangle333One angle > 90°The other two angles are acute
Acute Triangle333All angles < 90°All angles are acute
Rectangle44490° anglesOpposite sides are equal and parallel


Shape NameSidesEdgesVerticesAnglesProperties
Pentagon555Interior angles = 108°Common in architecture and design
Hexagon666Interior angles = 120°Found in nature (e.g., honeycombs)
Heptagon777Interior angles = 128.57°Less commonly used shape
Octagon888Interior angles = 135°Commonly seen in stop signs
Nonagon999Interior angles = 140°Uncommon shape, used in advanced designs
Dodecagon121212Interior angles = 150°Common in advanced geometry
Rhombus444Opposite angles equalAll sides equal, opposite sides parallel
Parallelogram444Opposite angles equalOpposite sides parallel and equal
Trapezoid444One pair of parallel sidesUnequal sides (except for special cases like isosceles)
Kite444Two pairs of equal adjacent sidesDiagonals intersect at right angles
StarVariesVariesVariesVariesPoints extend outward from a central shape
CrescentCurvedCurved0Curved edgesShaped like a moon
ArrowVariesVariesVariesVariesTypically used in diagrams to indicate direction


Shape NameSidesEdgesVerticesAnglesProperties
Cube12128All angles = 90°3D shape, all faces are squares
Sphere000NoneRound 3D object, surface is curved
Cone1 base11 vertexNoneCircular base, tapers to a point
Cylinder2 bases20NoneTwo parallel circular bases connected by a curved surface
PyramidVariesVaries1 apex + base verticesVariesPolygon base, triangular faces meet at a single point
PrismVariesVariesVariesVariesTwo identical polygonal faces connected by parallelograms
Tetrahedron6 edges64Faces are equilateral trianglesA 3D shape with 4 triangular faces
Octahedron12edges126Faces are equilateral trianglesA 3D shape with 8 triangular faces
Icosahedron30edges3012Faces are equilateral trianglesA 3D shape with 20 triangular faces
Shape NameSidesEdgesVerticesAnglesProperties
Annulus000Curved surfaceA ring-shaped object, essentially a circular band
Mobius Strip000NoneA surface with only one side and one boundary
LemniscateCurvedCurved0Infinite loopFigure-eight shape, related to the concept of infinity
HyperbolaCurvedCurved0Symmetrical U-shaped curvesCurve created by the intersection of a double cone and a plane
ParabolaCurvedCurved0SymmetricalU-shaped curve, often used in physics and engineering
Sine WaveCurvedCurved0Oscillating wave patternCommon in signal processing and wave physics
Koch SnowflakeInfiniteInfiniteInfiniteSelf-replicating patternA fractal shape, edges are infinitely complex
Sierpinski TriangleInfiniteInfiniteInfiniteInfinite repeating trianglesA fractal shape made from repeatedly subdividing triangles
Cantor SetInfiniteInfiniteInfiniteInterval divisionsInfinite number of points removed in patterns
Apollonian GasketInfiniteInfiniteInfiniteCircles within circlesA fractal pattern made of tangent circles
Annulus000Curved surfaceA ring-shaped object, essentially a circular band

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